The Constitution in the Donald Trump Era – Press Release by Tenth Amendment Center

The Constitution in the Donald Trump Era – Press Release by Tenth Amendment Center

The New Renaissance HatTenth Amendment Center
November 11, 2016
Contact: Mike Maharrey
Communications Director
O: 213.935.0553

The election of Donald Trump has changed the political dynamics in Washington D.C., but it will not fundamentally change our work at the Tenth Amendment Center. We will continue to aggressively fight unconstitutional federal actions with the same vigor we have over the last eight years.

The Tenth Amendment Center was founded in 2006 in opposition to Bush war and surveillance policies. The organization has also worked to support states nullifying federal programs like marijuana prohibition and the Bush-era real ID act.

“Constitutionalists should retch at the mere thought of John Bolton being anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” Tenth Amendment Center founder and executive director Michael Boldin said in response to hearing Trump is considering the Bush-policy architect for Secretary of State.

Tenth Amendment Center Executive Director Michael Boldin and Communications Director Mike Maharrey are always available to provide quotes from a constitutional perspective on Trump policy.

Give us a call.


The Tenth Amendment Center, based in Los Angeles, seeks to limit federal power through action in the states and education.

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