Gains for Ron Paul at the Douglas County Republican Convention in Nevada – and Outrageous Rigging in Carson City
Ron Paul has been gaining ample numbers of supporters as delegates to the Nevada State Republican Convention. I am proud to have participated in the March 31 Douglas County Republican Convention, which was civil and administered quite fairly. Both my wife Wendy and I have been selected as delegates to the Nevada State Convention, along with a sizable number of other supporters of Ron Paul (a majority, by some accounts). As an added bonus, I had the opportunity to speak in favor of individual liberty on a variety of issues during the discussions of the proposed Douglas County GOP platform. It pleased me that speakers were recognized in a procedurally impartial manner, and each side of an issue was always able to express its views.
Nearby in Carson City, however, there was foul play and subversion of the legitimate process by those who wished to rig the outcome. I encourage you to read Doug Wead’s description of some of the outrageous usurpations of power by those in charge at that unfortunate convention. The contrast between the civility and good order in Douglas County and the overt abuses at the Carson City convention is stunning. In any event, with the majority of the delegates from Clark County, a sizable contingent from Douglas County, and all of the delegates from Nye County, Ron Paul will have a good number of delegates on his side at the State Convention on May 5.