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Publication of “Practice Problems in Advanced Topics in General Insurance” – ACTEX Study Guide by G. Stolyarov II

Publication of “Practice Problems in Advanced Topics in General Insurance” – ACTEX Study Guide by G. Stolyarov II

Practice Problems in Advanced Topics in General Insurance


Written by Gennady Stolyarov II, ASA, ACAS, MAAA, CPCU, ARe, ARC, API, AIS, AIE, AIAF


Published by ACTEX Publications

1st Edition: Spring 2016


Students preparing for Society of Actuaries Exam GIADV: Advanced Topics in General Insurance will benefit from Mr. Stolyarov’s latest book, Practice Problems in Advanced Topics in General Insurance. Three options are available for purchase.

ACTEX GIADV Study Guide Cover
Hard-Copy/Electronic Bundle
Hard Copy

Comments from the Author: This book of practice problems is the most comprehensive culmination of my efforts to date, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to work with ACTEX Publications to bring all of these resources to candidates in one convenient compilation so that they will spend less time gathering problems from many separate sources. The Spring 2016 edition of this book is approximately 400 pages long and includes 613 practice problems and full solutions. 531 of the problems/solutions are original creations of mine.

This book is structured to align precisely with the five syllabus topics and eight syllabus papers (including the Lee paper, new on the Spring 2016 Exam GIADV syllabus) – each of which has a section of problems devoted to it. The following is a summary breakdown of what you will find:

  Problems by Source
Section (and Syllabus Paper) Original SOA CAS Total
1 (Mack) 21 5 5 31
2 (Venter) 22 4 5 31
3 (Clark LDF) 60 4 6 70
4 (Marshall et al.) 103 4 4 111
5 (Lee) 44 0 12 56
6 (Clark Reinsurance) 139 8 9 156
7 (D’Arcy / Dyer) 99 4 6 109
8 (Mango) 43 4 2 49
TOTAL 531 33 49 613


Each section presents all of the problems in succession, followed by the solutions at the end. You are encouraged to attempt each problem on your own and write down or type your solution, and then look at the answer key for step-by-step explanation and/or calculations. As this book is a learning tool, I have provided relevant citations from the syllabus readings for many of the practice problems. Also, I am not an advocate of leaving any problems as unexplained “exercises to the reader.” While each of these problems is intended to be an exercise for you, this book’s purpose is to show you how they can be solved as well – so give each of them your best attempt, but know that detailed answers are available for you to check your work and fill in any gaps that may have prevented you from solving a problem yourself.