ECM Distributed Computing Project and Mr. Stolyarov Discover Factor for 279-Digit Number (“9” Surrounded by 139 Instances of “7” Per Side)

I am pleased to report that a large prime factor for (7·10279+18·10139-7)/9 (visualized as a “9” surrounded by 139 instances of “7” on each side – for a total of 279 digits) was discovered on November 19, 2012, through my participation in the ECM distributed computing project (organized via Yoyo@home). This is the fourth discovery made on my computer via the ECM project (see posts about previous discoveries here and here).
The prime factor is a 53-digit number: 42684752427275029312252733896207947190538122452468697. I am credited with the discovery here and here.
I continue to be impressed by the potential of individual hyper-empowerment through distributed computing, and I encourage my readers to also donate their idle computer time to projects that attract their interest.