Death is Wrong – Children’s Book on Life Extension – Written by G. Stolyarov II, Illustrated by Wendy Stolyarov

Death is Wrong – Children’s Book on Life Extension – Written by G. Stolyarov II, Illustrated by Wendy Stolyarov

Death is Wrong - by Gennady Stolyarov II, Illustrated by Wendy Stolyarov

Death is Wrong – by Gennady Stolyarov II, Illustrated by Wendy Stolyarov

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If you have ever asked, “Why do people have to die?” then this book is for you. The answer is that no, death is not necessary, inevitable, or good. In fact, death is wrong. Death is the enemy of us all, to be fought with medicine, science, and technology. This book introduces you to the greatest, most challenging, most revolutionary movement to radically extend human lifespans so that you might not have to die at all.

You will learn about some amazingly long-lived plants and animals, recent scientific discoveries that point the way toward lengthening lifespans in humans, and simple, powerful arguments that can overcome the common excuses for death. If you have ever thought that death is unjust and should be defeated, you are not alone. Read this book, and become part of the most important quest in human history.

This book was written by the philosopher and futurist Gennady Stolyarov II and illustrated by the artist Wendy Stolyarov. It is here to show you that, no matter who you are and what you can do, there is always a way for you to help in humanity’s struggle against death.

Death is Wrong is the ambitious new book for children and for life-extension advocates of all ages.

You can purchase Death is Wrong in the following formats and locations:

Paperback Edition: Amazon

Paperback Edition: Createspace

Kindle Edition: Amazon – $0.99

The current Second Edition of Death is Wrong was published by the Rational Argumentator Press.

The Second Edition of Death is Wrong is now available for FREE download as a PDF file. Perhaps, in this way, the book could reach tens or even hundreds of thousands of readers. Thus far, PDF versions are available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

PDF URL – Death is Wrong – English Edition:

PDF URL – La mort, c’est mal! – French Edition (translated by Philippe Castonguay):

PDF URL – A Morte é um Erro – Portuguese Edition (translated by Eric Pedro Alvaro):

PDF URL – «Смерть неправильна!» – Russian Edition (translated by Marcus Baylin):

PDF URL – La muerte está mal – Spanish Edition (translated by Néstor Duno):

If you have read the PDF version and enjoyed it, consider purchasing the paperback version on Amazon for yourself, a friend, or a child, and/or consider making a PayPal or cryptocurrency donation via the sidebar on The Rational Argumentator.


A free PDF version of La mort, c’est mal! – the French translation of Death is Wrong – is now available for download from The Rational Argumentator. You can obtain your copy here and may spread it to French-speaking audiences as widely as you wish.

La mort, c’est mal! was translated into French by Philippe Castonguay.

Death_is_Wrong_French_CoverPaperback copies of La mort, c’est mal! can be purchased in the following venues:



Kindle copies of La mort, c’est mal! can be purchased on Amazon for $0.99.


A free PDF version of A Morte é um Erro – the Portuguese translation of Death is Wrong – is now available for download from The Rational Argumentator. You can obtain your copy here and may spread it to Portuguese-speaking audiences as widely as you wish.

A Morte é um Erro was translated into Portuguese by Eric Pedro Alvaro.

Death_is_Wrong_Portuguese_CoverPaperback copies of A Morte é um Erro can be purchased in the following venues:



Kindle copies of A Morte é um Erro can be purchased on Amazon for $0.99.


A free PDF version of «Смерть неправильна!» – the Russian translation of Death is Wrong – is now available for download from The Rational Argumentator. You can obtain your copy here and may spread it to Russian-speaking audiences as widely as you wish.

«Смерть неправильна!» was translated into Russian by Marcus Baylin.


Paperback copies of «Смерть неправильна!» can be purchased in the following venues:




A free PDF version of La muerte está mal – the Spanish translation of Death is Wrong – is now available for download from The Rational Argumentator. You can obtain your copy here and may spread it to Spanish-speaking audiences as widely as you wish.

La muerte está mal was translated into Spanish by Néstor Duno.

Death_is_Wrong_Spanish_CoverPaperback copies of La muerte está mal can be purchased in the following venues:



Kindle copies of La muerte está mal can be purchased on Amazon for $0.99.


Read Mr. Stolyarov’s articles, “Why I Wrote a Children’s Book on Indefinite Life Extension” and “Liberty or Death: Why Libertarians Should Proclaim That Death is Wrong“.

The Indiegogo campaign to spread Death is Wrong to 1000 children, free of cost to them, has been fully funded, and the distribution effort is complete. Read updates regarding the effort here.


“Not too grammatically complex, and not too excruciatingly simplistic, Death is Wrong is a blunt dose of reality, quick to the punch and holding nothing back. This is the book I wish I’d have read as a young child.”

~ B. J. Murphy – The Proactionary Transhumanist. Read the full review.

“I thought the book was fun to read and important in what it tries to accomplish.”

~ Zoltan Istvan – Psychology Today. Read the full review.

“The language is just saccharine enough for children to dig into, but the portentous themes will strike deep, philosophical chords in adults. The overall message is positive: The way technology is headed, we should be able to continue discovering and doing the things we love indefinitely.”

~ Leanne Butkovic – Fast Company. Read the full review.

“The book, written for children ages eight and above, is filled with more text — not to mention more philosophic and scientific reasoning — than the average Dr. Seuss. […] Its final message is a call to action: Dying is wrong, children, but through scientific progress you can make it right.”

~ Rebecca Hiscott – Mashable. Read the full review.

“Stolyarov is fervently opposed to what he sees is simply a technological challenge waiting for the appropriate level of money and manpower to solve it. ‘One hundred and fifty thousand people in the world die each day, two thirds of those die from causes related to senescence,’ Stolyarov tells me. ‘So even if we can hasten the arrival of these technologies to achieve negligible senescence by one day, we will have saved a hundred thousand lives.’ The author quotes geronotology theoretician Aubrey de Grey – something of a celebrity in the world of life extension – as stating that there is a 50% chance of achieving negligible senescence in the next 25 years. ‘There’s a good chance that it will happen in our lifetimes, before we experience the most deleterious effects of senescence,’ says Stolyarov.”

~ Frank Swain – BBC. Read the full review.

“Death is a disease, and hopefully future scientists, perhaps including the young readers of the book, will find a cure. Previous generations thought that death is inevitable, and invented delusional fake philosophies to make death easier to accept. This reaction is understandable – if you can’t avoid something, you look for ways to accept it – and explains all usual rhetorical babbling in praise of death: ‘overpopulation, make room for the young, death is a tool of evolution, boredom after a long life,’ and the utterly idiotic ‘death gives meaning to life.’ The book deconstructs all these fake ‘arguments’ and calls them what they are: understandable but pathetic attempts to rationalize the inevitable.”

~ Giulio Prisco – Turing Church. Read the full review.

“You have to admire the ambition of author Gennady Stolyarov. He’s set out to create a better world by educating young readers early about the newest scientific discoveries on aging, and also sharing inspiring stories about long-lived plants and animals ‘that point the way toward lengthening lifespans in humans.'”

~ Me and My Kindle Read the full review.

Death is Wrong is a short book, clearly written and easy to read. I like the personal approach: it doesn’t talk down and is quite accessible. A striking concept presented quite reasonably and supported matter-of-factly. There are apt quotations from a variety of thinkers, including several of my personal heroes of modern times: Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Friedrich Nietzsche. These people and some scenes from nature are nicely illustrated by Wendy Stolyarov. For readers who want a little more about the background concepts, there is a brief Appendix discussing the seven basic causes of senescence, such as cell loss and atrophy. There are some links for further learning. It’s a good book, entertaining and thoughtful, and certainly gives us a challenge to think about.

~ Robert W. Franson – Troynovant. Read the full review.

“The book makes a philosophical case for why death is the enemy. […] Stolyarov also bucks the idea that aging inevitably means inching closer to death. He and other life-extension advocates make a point to differentiate between ‘aging,’ the passage of time, and ‘senescence,’ the biological breakdown of the body.”

~ Meghan Neal – Motherboard. Read the full review.

Gennady Stolyarov II and his wife Wendy Stolyarov do not believe in death. They think science and technology can solve it and, until it does, we need to begin thinking that our end is not a foregone conclusion. […] First, they think, the cultural perception of mortality has to be changed, and the best method to achieve that goal is to begin with teaching children.

~ James Moore – Huffington Post. Read the full review.

“Along with recent scientific discoveries, the book tells its young readers about long-lived plants and animals ‘that point the way toward lengthening lifespans in humans,’ in an attempt to avoid a future where children ‘would pay no more attention to technological progress and life-extension possibilities than their predecessors did.’”

~ Slashdot. Read the full review.

“I like to see advocates setting forth to create small scale initiatives like the children’s book Death is Wrong and the associated fundraiser to distribute copies. At the large scale a broad advocacy movement for a cause in medical research isn’t a monolithic thing; it is made up thousands of such efforts, a tapestry of individual who each thought enough of the cause to stand up and do something about it. More of this is always a good thing, and working towards a cure for degenerative aging is the most worthy of causes that I know of.”

~ Reason – Fight Aging. Read the full review.

“This is an important step in a long-term effort to win minds and change attitudes. I applaud the author’s efforts and plan to share a copy with my 15 year old.”

~ Bob Lane – Read the full review.

“There are many extraordinary men and women who could go on working for hundreds of years if their stars were not designed to dim so soon. What do you want to do with your life? This is the question Mr. Stolyarov poses to his readers. Whatever you wish to do is restricted by the time you have on this earth. This is restricted largely by your genes, even if you do all you can to mitigate the hand chance and meiosis have dealt you. The fountain of youth now is not far off. We no longer need to deceive ourselves with lofty philosophical discourses of dreams of a world after this one. ”

~ Adam Alonzi – Cool Flickers and The Rational Argumentator. Read the full review.

The Rational Argumentator welcomes your reviews of Death is Wrong. You can submit them to TRA by sending them to You are also encouraged to review the book on Amazon and spread the word by reprinting the information on this page or your own comments concerning the book on other media outlets.

Non-commercial distribution of Death is Wrong is welcomed – including lending, public readings, and dissemination to libraries and schools. For commercial distribution options, please contact Mr. Stolyarov at Because of Mr. Stolyarov’s desire to maximize the spread of this book, non-exclusivity is a key criterion for any commercial distribution rights.

12 thoughts on “Death is Wrong – Children’s Book on Life Extension – Written by G. Stolyarov II, Illustrated by Wendy Stolyarov

  1. Greetings, Mr. Hitze.

    Thank you very much for expressing an interest in creating a German translation of Death is Wrong. I would be happy to arrange for a German edition to be created with your kind assistance.

    You can find the English-language PDF at While I do not have the resources to pay translators, I would prominently credit your name on the cover and title page of the German edition. Please feel free to correspond with me regarding the translation project via e-mail ( and to send me the translated version to that e-mail address.

    I studied German for eight years, and obtained one of my college degrees in that subject – so I would be very interested to read a full-fledged German version of Death is Wrong and to publish it. It would not be too difficult to make such an edition available for printing on demand via Createspace.

    Once I have the translated text, Wendy and I will prepare the German edition to be available in both paperback and electronic formats.

    Gennady Stolyarov II

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