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Tag: Halley’s Comet

A Musical Paean to Halley’s Comet – Composition by Rodney Rawlings

A Musical Paean to Halley’s Comet – Composition by Rodney Rawlings

The New Renaissance Hat
Rodney Rawlings

The Rational Argumentator again features this piece by Rodney Rawlings — a musical paean to Halley’s Comet — the feeling of the once-in-a-lifetime expectation and approach of the comet, its spectacular and beautiful show, and its eternal farewell.

Listen to the MP3 file of the composition here.

Length: 3:44

Rodney Rawlings is a Toronto writer and composer/songwriter. He arrived at the concept of hypercomplex numbers independently, using Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism to guide him.  See his YouTube Channel