“Death is Wrong”: Illustrated Children’s Book on Life Extension – Announcement and Short Excerpt – Video by G. Stolyarov II

“Death is Wrong”: Illustrated Children’s Book on Life Extension – Announcement and Short Excerpt – Video by G. Stolyarov II

Death is Wrong is the ambitious new book for children and for life-extension advocates of all ages.

If you have ever asked, “Why do people have to die?” then this book is for you. The answer is that no, death is not necessary, inevitable, or good. In fact, death is wrong. Death is the enemy of us all, to be fought with medicine, science, and technology. This book introduces you to the greatest, most challenging, most revolutionary movement to radically extend human lifespans so that you might not have to die at all.

You will learn about some amazingly long-lived plants and animals, recent scientific discoveries that point the way toward lengthening lifespans in humans, and simple, powerful arguments that can overcome the common excuses for death. If you have ever thought that death is unjust and should be defeated, you are not alone. Read this book, and become part of the most important quest in human history.

This book was written by the philosopher and futurist Gennady Stolyarov II and illustrated by the artist Wendy Stolyarov. It is here to show you that, no matter who you are and what you can do, there is always a way for you to help in humanity’s struggle against death.

The First Edition of Death is Wrong was published by the Rational Argumentator Press.


Paperback version on Amazon
Kindle version on Amazon
Paperback version on Createspace


“Not too grammatically complex, and not too excruciatingly simplistic, Death is Wrong is a blunt dose of reality, quick to the punch and holding nothing back. This is the book I wish I’d have read as a young child.”

~ B. J. Murphy – The Proactionary Transhumanist. Read the full review.

“I thought the book was fun to read and important in what it tries to accomplish.”

~ Zoltan Istvan – Psychology Today. Read the full review.


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