Short Review of New Children’s Book, “Death is Wrong” – Article by B. J. Murphy

The qualm of death is a very uneasy burden we all suffer from. We dedicate hours of our time, spent in colloquy, discussing the myriad risks of life, though subsequently the tender rage to resist to ensure that life lives on. But then, when do we spend our time in preparing our children – the next generation – for what is to come, what is to discuss, and what is to fight for?
I believe this wonderful children’s book, provided by the Stolyarovs, is a very grand step forward in achieving this. Not too grammatically complex, and not too excruciatingly simplistic, Death is Wrong is a blunt dose of reality, quick to the punch and holding nothing back. This is the book I wish I’d have read as a young child.
As science matures and technology continues growing at an exponential pace, especially in the medical sector, the words written here in this book will not only live on forever via the vast archives of historical literature, they will live on forever through the lives of the indefinitely extended – the cyborgs, the transhumans, the posthumans, etc.
While certainly not religious myself, I believe this loosely correlated – albeit relevant – quote from the Judeo-Christian bible will suffice as final remarks in tribute of this book’s noble message to you, the reader:
“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” – 1 Corinthians 15:26
Death is Wrong – by Gennady Stolyarov II, Illustrated by Wendy Stolyarov
Kindle Format | Paperback Format (Amazon, CreateSpace)
2 thoughts on “Short Review of New Children’s Book, “Death is Wrong” – Article by B. J. Murphy”
The last enemies that shall be destroyed are the causes of death.