Mountain in the Jungle: Habitable Exomoon – Painting by Ekaterinya Vladinakova

Mountain in the Jungle: Habitable Exomoon – Painting by Ekaterinya Vladinakova

Ekaterinya Vladinakova

“Mountain in the Jungle: Habitable Exomoon” by Ekaterinya Vladinakova

Left-click on the image for a fuller view. You can also download this painting (5000 by 2636 pixels) here.

The terraformed surface of an exomoon – another illustration by Ekaterinya Vladinakova of the lush worlds that can be created as a result of our species’ colonization of the cosmos. Let humanity venture forth to both discover and create such splendid new environments!

Ekaterinya Vladinakova is an accomplished digital painter. See her gallery here and her DeviantArt page here.

One thought on “Mountain in the Jungle: Habitable Exomoon – Painting by Ekaterinya Vladinakova

  1. Fascinating.

    It’s quite possible that an advanced alien species is currently terraforming or has terraformed a naturally occurring / synthetic satellite around a planetary body.

    In a recent interview with Joe Rogan (podcast), Professor Brian Cox estimates that there may be, at the very least, one intelligent species per Galaxy. If I recall correctly. And even though we may have anywhere from anywhere from 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies across this universe alone. I still have reason to believe that the actual number of intelligent species is higher.

    Going back to Ekaterinya’s painting, this is a painting of an actual moon that has been terraformed. So from the perspective of the observer, they view is one of looking at the planet that the moon is going around.

    In due course of time, we will have advanced sensors in order to be able to detect signs of life across all the nooks and crannies of a planetary body. Once results have come back as negative, we would then have constructs via which terraforming would be a rapid process. Considering all the nuances and complex requirements that ought to be delivered in order to enable a quality terrain.

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